Before we all freeze to death! –OOPS! Sadly, that is exactly what has happened in Miami:

Southern Cal summer, coldest in decades

Miami’s first cold weather death–1-15-10

 Okay, here is the latest on Global warming:

 Dozens die in Europe as temperatures drop

 Check it out yourself. Study the facts.

….check out these websites, 

 Snow during Australian Summer

 2006 saw snow in Aussie Summer too…no changing temps



3,000 Low Temp Records Set This July!

 Coldest July 21 in Nashville’s recorded history

 First North Dakota June Snowfall in 60 years!

 Wisconson has coldest June 6 ever


 Ice core studies have proven that the EASTERN half of Antarctica has actually been growing in density and area, for the last 30 years. While the WESTERN half of Antarctica has been melting. This is but one proof that seems to confirm the theory of shifting magnetic poles, which would cause shifts in temperatures, naturally.
 Pollution, bulging landfills, and denuding forests isn’t good for humanity and wildlife, for it causes cancer and other diseases. We should continue our efforts to clean up our planet, for our own good.  But, “global warming” is a tactic being used by certain upper classes as a means to control the lower masses. While they, people like Al Gore, live exactly the way they please, consuming mass quantities of energy; flying around the world at the drop of a hat, living in large houses, driving SUV’s and limos; they seek to prohibit anyone else from enjoying such benefits. This modern day aristocracy seeks to elevate themselves and enslave the rest of the populace to finance their lifestyle; by crying out “GLOBAL WARMING, GLOBAL WARMING…STOP! TAX! REGULATE! PROHIBIT!…
Ronald Reagan always use to say that the scariest words you will ever hear are:
I am from the government and I am here to help….”